Sunday morning, before the heat sets in

 Another scary-hot weekend.  Temps hit and stayed at 109 out back for several hours both days.  30# of ice for the chickens.  And several rounds spraying everything to try and knock down the heat.  But unlike the cursed land around Phoenix, the heat did subside overnight, so it is 61 or 63 at 6am.  You can actually throw open the windows and doors until 8:30 or 9am.  

For that, we are profoundly grateful.

An arresting creature, encountered upon stepping
out the front door at 6am, hauling the bin of chicken
feed.  ?!  Bee-mimic Robber Fly (Mallophora fautrix)
Says Bosque field guide (216), "prefers bees and wasps
as prey."  Eek!

"'It's a dangerous business, Frodo,
going out of your door
,' he [Bilbo] used to say.
'You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet,
there is no telling where you might be swept off to. '"



Georgia O'Keeffe, in her later years,
turned to painting clouds. (I remember
looking at those large canvases
in the O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe
a few years ago.  They were memorable. "Above
the Clouds, I" 1962-63.)
I admired ours this morning.
You stop, and say, wow.  Look at those
colors.  Those shapes.  Just tossed up
there.  Passing through.  Gone the next
time you glance up.

Only one little patch out of all the sunflowers I planted
did well.  Four plants: Goldy Honey Bear seeds
from Botanical Interests
. (Helianthus annuus) 
I'm really excited to see what they look like! :)

Can't get a photo to do the zinnias justice
as a group.  Grown from seed. They are quite
stunning.  (Build on your successes, right?)

Need to find the seed packet.  Cactus blend?
Really, one fabulous color after another.
The Balloon Flowers are a total joy.  Simple
and elegant.  I'm so happy they are perennials!
Right on schedule: the first of the society garlic blooms.

Heartbreak: the first real crop from our youngest
plum tree -- falling off before they are ripe.
The small green coleus finally got their stalks
under them and filled in.  The red and pink
from Jericho is thriving.  And behind: a couple
of lusty boisterous basil plants.

Really trying not to take my chicks and hens for granted.
I think I was under-watering them (I didn't know I
was even capable of such a thing!)  To be safe,
I broke off and transplanted a couple of them. 
Lo and behold, this one looks like it will throw out
flower stalks!?!  I hope it has enough roots
to support them?!



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