Goodbye to the garden

That killing frost: Oct 25, Monday night.
Got the tomatoes, peppers, zinnias. Such a sad sight, the olive droop. (Did not do a thorough inventory: basil? carnations? green beans? chard?)
We put away the fountain, trussed up the swamp cooler, brought in some plants, harvested some sweet potato cuttings after Teresa said they will overwinter in water & be ready for spring planting. ?! Put away the solar fountain & G cleaned out the chimney for the wood stove this weekend. Monday she ran around getting filters, etc. and after we wrestled with the thermostat for half an hour, got the heater working.

On the whole, it has been a very gentle fall. With some rain here and there, and mild temperatures. How lovely.

Dark, dark, dark in the mornings. :( So hard to get up in the morning.

The last 10 days have been hearing the sand hill cranes passing by. Made a sound recording of those distinctive calls.


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