First Week of September
Chickens: all seem to be losing their tail feathers? (Poor Scarlett looks particularly silly.) They are 17 weeks & 2 or 3 days old. We put a second gate in the dog fence over the long weekend. Next (soon) need to put in the nest box & some kind of egg door.
Yard and garden: picked a few green beans. :) G has a little melon of some sort coming along. The tomatoes have officially overwhelmed us! Wish we could produce better onions... Only a handful of grapes this year--really nothing. And of course the vines are a mess, trailing out along the ground, or worse reaching around taking up space in the garden. *They really need a trellis of some sort.* There are a couple of ears of corn coming. Wish we had 3x times the number of stalks we have. (They are quite lovely.)
Didn't have much luck with our nasturtiums. We were probably too late getting started. I think the pale pink balloon flower is going to survive. But the purple one we stuck in near the Redbud got fried. >The rain keeps circling around us without letting loose. :( Yesterday was a perfect example: it actually rained for 20 mins at UNM. At our house? 10 drops. Literally. Think we've had one decent rain in the last week.... out of 4 days when it seemed possible, even likely. Poor Gloria. She has had to work SOOO hard trying to keep things alive.
Wild sunflowers!! Massive walls of morning glories. A sea of sweet potato vines. (Have high hopes there. )
Weed season: along the road, the pigweeds are thigh-high, with huge fat, gracefully drooping seedheads. The silverlace nightshades (?! is that their name) form a dense understory. Can't see where they are in seed production while buzzing past at 20mph.
Space and time: Hah--I haven't actually missed the equinox. (Yet. grin) >September 23rd. 2 weeks from Friday.
Yard and garden: picked a few green beans. :) G has a little melon of some sort coming along. The tomatoes have officially overwhelmed us! Wish we could produce better onions... Only a handful of grapes this year--really nothing. And of course the vines are a mess, trailing out along the ground, or worse reaching around taking up space in the garden. *They really need a trellis of some sort.* There are a couple of ears of corn coming. Wish we had 3x times the number of stalks we have. (They are quite lovely.)
Didn't have much luck with our nasturtiums. We were probably too late getting started. I think the pale pink balloon flower is going to survive. But the purple one we stuck in near the Redbud got fried. >The rain keeps circling around us without letting loose. :( Yesterday was a perfect example: it actually rained for 20 mins at UNM. At our house? 10 drops. Literally. Think we've had one decent rain in the last week.... out of 4 days when it seemed possible, even likely. Poor Gloria. She has had to work SOOO hard trying to keep things alive.
Wild sunflowers!! Massive walls of morning glories. A sea of sweet potato vines. (Have high hopes there. )
Weed season: along the road, the pigweeds are thigh-high, with huge fat, gracefully drooping seedheads. The silverlace nightshades (?! is that their name) form a dense understory. Can't see where they are in seed production while buzzing past at 20mph.
Space and time: Hah--I haven't actually missed the equinox. (Yet. grin) >September 23rd. 2 weeks from Friday.