The double-dug bed looks kind of ratty to me, taken as a whole. But upon closer examination, there are some fascinating things in it. Owing to Teresa J., we have several varieties of peppers that came to us as mystery seedlings. We're a little afraid, actually. We think the lovely red cherry-looking things are 'the peppers of death.' And we're not sure how hot or what color the small finger-shaped guys are. We have at least one "Italian" pepper plant that G remembers buying (a little fuzzy about its qualities/ what to expect from it though...) On a safer note, there are 2 lovely bell peppers we could probably harvest at any point. The eggplants are not as lovely or wildly productive as two years ago (in the back corner of the garden proper), but they have been giving us small but tasty fruit. *I know, critics everywhere.* Same with the chard. Small but pretty plants. It's a sin to confess this, but most of their lovely leaves have been snarfed by the chickens. Oh, and there are STILL a few beets left. We just ate sliced ones in vinaigrette with dinner last night. Very tasty.