Tough stuff--blooms in the face of adversity
Top to bottom: 1 & 2 The slow drip from the swamp cooler :( the one I've tried three times to fix has been watering the hollyhocks generously. To wit--our first blooms!! Aren't they a gorgeous color?
3. Click to get a better look at this one--that's Clary Sage in full glory. Gloria started them from seed last spring as an experiment. At some point we had a mini-crisis trying to figure out what to do with them because so many of them survived to adulthood. ~8?! Sure is handsome, no? It has a very strong scent... I like it. It makes G wrinkle her nose. I believe it only flowers once: this is probably its peak.
4. G bought and planted this at some point this spring. I only "discovered" it in my stint as guest gardener this past week. I don't know what it is, but it is awfully cute! AND it looks really nice nestled in the chip with its big rangy neighbors. **She says it is an Australian plant originally: commonly called a Joey. {?! Hmm}
5. The Mexican hat along the front walk started blooming this week. It is such a brave plant to thrive and brighten that mucky, dry spot--awful clay that doesn't even deserve to be called dirt.
6-8. At some point, last weekend or early last week, we noticed that the Bird of Paradise blossoms were starting to unfurl. Aren't they extravagant?! (I snapped these photos before dashing off to work, before there was enough light for my camera: the blossoms are actually true yellow, not tinged with green.)

3. Click to get a better look at this one--that's Clary Sage in full glory. Gloria started them from seed last spring as an experiment. At some point we had a mini-crisis trying to figure out what to do with them because so many of them survived to adulthood. ~8?! Sure is handsome, no? It has a very strong scent... I like it. It makes G wrinkle her nose. I believe it only flowers once: this is probably its peak.
4. G bought and planted this at some point this spring. I only "discovered" it in my stint as guest gardener this past week. I don't know what it is, but it is awfully cute! AND it looks really nice nestled in the chip with its big rangy neighbors. **She says it is an Australian plant originally: commonly called a Joey. {?! Hmm}
5. The Mexican hat along the front walk started blooming this week. It is such a brave plant to thrive and brighten that mucky, dry spot--awful clay that doesn't even deserve to be called dirt.
6-8. At some point, last weekend or early last week, we noticed that the Bird of Paradise blossoms were starting to unfurl. Aren't they extravagant?! (I snapped these photos before dashing off to work, before there was enough light for my camera: the blossoms are actually true yellow, not tinged with green.)