Hot, hot and more hot

Is it me or do the weather guys gradually add on that extra bad news? Last time I looked, the heat hell was going to subside Wednesday. Now it has made a grab for Thursday too. And let's face it, 95-degrees for Friday's high should also earn the sweltering orange icon. It is not exactly seasonable. [Is it?!]
Around the fountain at work, some of their Echinacea has blossomed. And the lavender is huge... should bloom any day now. At home, I forgot to mention that the bird of paradise burst forth (roughly the same time as the desert willow). Think I spotted a few blossoms on the Mexican hat too.
All of which is to say that the plants are tougher and more resourceful than their erstwhile caretaker. Though to give myself credit, I was out at 6:15 this morning poking my fingers into the soil next to everyone's roots, dragging around the hose and schlepping the big green watering can, hoping to help my botanical buddies survive the long day ahead.