Weather news

The south was hit by a long, sudden, bitter cold spell the first week of January. I have grim reports from my mother and from my father/ the nursery. Killing frost. And not much to be done about it. Certainly is frightening, frustrating--humbling. Made the national news that week.
New Mexico is in the middle of 3 consecutive waves of cold fronts. None of which have modified temperatures much, but have brought Albuquerque the first rain of the new year--the first of the decade. [Note to self: find the records.] How long has it been? This morning, driving to work in my generally unfocused state, I realized that a thick gray cloud blanket had blocked out the blinding morning sun. I savored it. And savored the richness the diffused light gave to everything in my view.
Random nature moment: something ragged, black, fluttering, jagged in shape. a snagged leafbag? no, damp but jaunty crows, shaking, leaping, preening.
Reading Loren Eiseley's autobiography. Have been slain by it repeatedly. Which usually makes me put something down and flee. And yet, I have not reacted that way to his tale. I am drawn back again and again. [Add quotes... Or post quotes to the wiki reading journal.]