2nd Week of October
Had a cold front come through. A little bit of Rain. Lots of Wind. Very Autumnal. Yesterday G had frost on her windshield. Today the same. Should bounce back up to New Mexico's sunny accustomed temperament: bright, with calm winds and highs in the high 70s for the Rio Grande Valley. Left is a dry seed pod from the fence along the front of Gloria's yard. A hardy trumpet vine with sensuous deep red-orange blossoms. (Ergh... blossomed when?!)
A above Middle-C is stuck!
Ted Ledbetter, Albuquerque's Organ Repair expert for 32 years (or was it 37)? Small silver aluminum case of tools he brought to work on UNM Music department equipment. After some complicated and silly logistics, he went off with my keyboard. (Gulp). Thant from the Yamaha repair department authorized him to repair it, but not for housecall prices ($75). Apparently there was a manufacturing problem. !! I am vowing to play it regularly when I get it back. ((I take this as a nudge from the gods.))
With a little cash, G is seeing some options at work. And much happier. More spunk. More spirit. This past weekend, she planted bulbs around the base of the Japanese Scholar tree out back. (What were they? Daffodils and hyacinths?)
after having them aggressively take over the garden last summer, we were actually very happy to see the cosmos shoot up and blossom wildly. they attracted our attention more and more brightly as the wild rangy sunflowers withered, turning brown, shrinking into twigs: dozens of wobbly bird feeders for the finches.
the grass by the clothesline is heavy with seeds, and nods at any slight exhale of breath