1st Week of October
An Inch of Rain
Balloon Fiesta began this weekend. (We saw none of it). Saturday night it rained--really rained. Overcast, windy, moist and considerably cooler. (How much? Temps unseasonable?)
Days shorter. Really notice it in the mornings.
Went with G to meet Fran & Stony's baby: Samuel. Went to Village Wools for some more bright string bag thread. G's Loom is looming!
What is in my back yard, the l o n g way around...
Reading Darwin's Century by Loren Eiseley. Sat at the UNM Bookstore Friday & looked at the science section, including a short biography of Darwin. Kind of interested in his Beagle days. Also think his grandfather and Humboldt sound appealing. Read through the wikipedia zoology timeline on early entomology--until my eyes started to glaze over and my brain went numb with lists of names and manuscript titles in Latin, French and German. I was surprised at how early Leowenhouk and his microscope arrive. I found the lack of any bibliographic references irritating. Along with a decided lack of any larger context.
Flip - Snap - Send
Got a new phone. (How long has it been? Hmm). One that sends photos & messages like G's...
Poe Try
G went with me to Ken Gurney's poetry salon last night. (Was that my 3rd time?) Very powerful. I was very proud to have her there. I kind-of thought she'd really like them. He said he was finishing his final issue of Origami Condom, handing over the editor's role.
