June 2023 - Good-bye Oh Perky, Jaunty Juliette

April 25, 2017 - June 12, 2023
Died overnight last night, after a pretty rotten 4 days.  

We buried her along the back, wrapped in an old shirt I dearly loved.  With a small bouquet from the yard -- an orange yellow nasturtium, a sprig of lavender blossoms, a green plum and part of a chard leaf.  

She was named for my dear long-time friend Julia Mummert, who as a good godmother, followed her escapades. :)

She had curly toenails! Because I was a bad mom and took a long time before getting up the nerve to try trimming them.  She was small.  Compact.  And of all the hens, memorable for turning her head to look at me...  I think she thought humans were goofy, and was trying to figure us out. 

April 25th, 2017
- We got 6 chicks that year - Juliette and Ping, Pong and Petunia, Earheart & her deformed sister :(  She was 5 and change.  She was preceded in death by the chick with the terribly deformed beak, Earheart and Pong.  She is survived by her sisters Petunia and Ping.

Now for Buff Orpingtons, there are 3.  The ancient Butterknife (just turned 9!), the limping but lovely Ping (also 5), and our only youngster, Buffy (now ~2).



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