10 Baby Chicks -- Teensters!!

The last 12 weeks have been a delightful, exhausting, filthy, miraculous BLUR!!  I don't know HOW parents do it?!  

In media res (hopefully I will back up and recount the highlights of the adventure soon) -- all 10 are still with us.  Spending days out in a small covered run where the old gals can snub them and hurl insults their way without drawing any blood.  Since this past Monday, (May 24) they have been sleeping outside in their own wing of the coop.  Good thing they were 'rated' for 40 degrees this week, because Tuesday morning it was 41! when I got up.  (Not the ideal introduction to authentic outdoor chicken living?!)

Let me introduce you to Calamity, Peaches, Mildred, Trudy, Frankie, Flo/mo, Nora, Quon, Buffy and Katniss.

They are slowly getting used to their new bedroom.

Quon staring at you.  Calamity giving her the evil eye.
Frankie, considering a spot to scratch.


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