Slightly Post Solstice

23 June 2020.
Our longtime, front door, flower-pot toads are still AWOL?!  The stoop is now a bit of a let-down, oddly lonely and empty.  And/ but yesterday evening when I was watering the zinnias, I was startled by something exploding out of the flowers, thudding into Gloria’s vegetables on the other side of the fence. I caught just a glimpse of a toad I had never seen before. On the yellowish side and much smaller than our front door buddies.

Tonight it happened again, in roughly the same spot. I dashed for my camera, then chased it around, marveling at how effortlessly they blend in—you can almost miss them even when you know exactly where to look. I really wanted a photo that gave a sense of scale, but couldn’t manage it. This one is, well, smaller than a yo-yo, and bigger than a ping pong ball.

We certainly hope it plans to eat three times its weight in bugs because our beetle infestation continues.  Today I tried to get a close-up, in the hope of identifying it the species and learning something about it.  (Know your enemy, right?!)


More on “The Plague” as I uncover further details.  On a happier note, the first zinnias I planted are about to bloom. :)


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