The Blur that was May
1. the Tully tree gets planted. Hawthorne Crabapple?
2. New outdoor furnishings -- 2 chairs, 2 new nifty folding chairs for going to events or for cocktails in the coop, [for G's birthday: ]a very handsome 9' umbrella, a new birdbath and a spiffed up birdbath out of a former plant stand
3. G planting and tending new grass right outside the front door
4. G buying and planting a Spanish broom
5. New raised bed & new half barrel
6. G buys and installs a tea tape system in the garden proper
7. MOTHS either Monday or Tuesday we had a 3rd wave of those goofy brown moths! (~21st)
8. Temperatures. OMG so hot. Sooo bad. Setting records.
9. Chicken report G extends their lair to include the apple tree. We have that horrible interlude with Scarlett's bloody head! :( Starting Sunday, since it has been so hot, we decided to let them sleep with the roost open... basically trust to the integrity of the coop itself, and the open window/ baby monitor. That way we also don't have to go let them out as early. (When is the solstice?) Lola has been pounding on the doors a few minutes earlier each day... think she currently 'goes off' at around 5:50. >That is getting old, at least on weekdays when every moment I get to lay there snoozing is precious. Now they can come downstairs in their jammies and have some breakfast at their leisure.
10. Annular Eclipse!! Sunday May 20th ~7pm. What fun to watch with friends and other jolly folk sprawled at a high point near the UNM golf course.
General Garden Report
Think it went straight to too hot for the peas. We probably won't get much of a harvest. The garlic fields everywhere, on the other hand, look lovely. Not sure what all the heat will do for their size though. I suspect we've been cheated out of a month of growth. The row of swiss chard in the ground looks fantastic. I transplanted several as I thinned last weekend. Not sure any of them will make it. I probably should have put shade cloth over them? Dang. G put in onion starts, which are looking good. And leeks which didn't do as well. We got her a whiskey barrel so she could start some potatoes... which she did. We planted nasturtiums, some of which are coming along. :) G has a lovely flock of tomato babies she grew from seed. Some pepper plants and eggplants she bought, which will probably finally make it into the new raised bed today or tomorrow. Oh, and two basil plants M brought her. G is sprouting a sweet potato so we can get cuttings which we can then put in water to root. >Quite a production. Kinda cute. Makes me feel like a happy 6th grader again.
My balloon flower made it, by the way. :)