Baby Steps on the Chicken Fortress
We spent some of our precious weekend doing other much-needed stuff around the yard and garden, so we didn't make as much progress as we could have. But we are slowly moving forward. Discovering that we were short on plywood, we pressed some dumpster-reclaimed shelf boards into service as a roof. ((How many vent holes should we have?! They aren't screwed in yet, so maybe I'll add one more. They are all protected--redundant security systems!--by hardware cloth on top.))
Then we scratched our heads for quite awhile about how to support/ attach the floor. Feel pretty good about the way that ended up. It's not dead level, but probably straight enough that the girls won't notice. The 9 million notches I cut in the floorboard drove me nuts. (Which is to say that I needed to measure more carefully before I fired up the jigsaw?!) After letting it sit for a few days as I gather up a new stash of patience, maybe we will revisit it & see if there is a way to snug it up to the walls a bit better. Don't want to make it too drafty and/ or too hard to clean down the road.
Next, how on earth do we get a workable front on it? We are trying to imagine the 'furniture!' grin. We are also starting to gather "brooder supplies." That's chicken talk for the big box that will go in the bathroom with various heat lamps and miniature sand boxes and mini feed troughs and a water dispenser. The 'training' roost comes a few weeks later. *grin*
Linda and Teresa will get their chicks this week!! Tuesday or Wednesday!!
