The Non-rain report

Out of the last seven days, we had just a bit of rain Sunday evening. That's it! With our wide vistas, we have spotted "locally heavy" showers here and there. But north valley is parched. I do not have a rain gauge, so my guess is that we had half an inch. The official report from the airport weather station is .1" for Sunday and .1" for Monday nights. *In a word, they didn't get nuthin' either.* Hope springs eternal: maybe tonight! Oh, and we had a string of record high temperatures the end of last week and into the weekend. Over 100-degrees. Pshew.
Today's projected high seems significantly milder by comparison. Mid-90s. And low 90s for the rest of the week?! Great news.
In garden news--very jealous AND proud of Teresa Johansen. She has squash of all descriptions coming out her ears, the first of her green beans, sprawling, draping sweet potato vines, two-inch eggplants and the first blush from some strapping tomato plants. Oh, and her garlic did very nicely. And they have made 3 batches of pesto from her over-achieving basil plants.
**Garlic and chemical burns! Teresa burned her fingers peeling garlic!? Linda said she looked it up & substantiated this. (Research it ... )
We spotted 2 pale purple blossoms on one of our eggplants and a couple of small white blooms on one of the pepper plants over the weekend. !! Our basil plants are not nearly the size of hers... believe they are a bit younger and have had less water. Still looking quite handsome. We have green beans sprouting everywhere. And have continued to hack down sunflowers we had so many. The grapes are coming along nicely. And we have continued to thin the young apples as we can reach them... G has four beefy potato plants and a bunch of sweet potatoes in the ground and thriving. And our tomatoes are coming along. We have them planted in several different places, so that's intriguing.