Third Week of August

Ahhh... finally a little rain. It had been so long it hurt. Gentle rain--est. 2 buckets but it started and stopped overnight, so we weren't watching to switch them out.
Corn!! I forgot to mention the CORN! G planted a funny little square of it in a blank spot in the yard. Monday night we plucked 2 from our tiny crop. Boiled and ate them all within the space of half an hour. They tasted SOOOO good!
Last night we did a big tomato sweep (honestly, they are intimidating). Took flowers, a couple of chilis, some green beans and a bucket of tomatoes and red grapes to G's parents and Julia/Lorena who were hanging out with them during dinnertime. We stopped back by the Co-op on the way home for crusty bread... then had tomatoes, basil, Mozzarella, Balsamic vinegar and fresh bread for supper. We were famished... nearly 8:30 and dark-- spitting rain outside. Tasted so good. The cherry tomatoes were like candy.
("Growing Food in the Yard is the last significant Political Act left to the Individual.")
*Work is insane. :(
*Have been reading Marco Polo a little every night, my curiosity piqued by distant times and places. Existence has not always been the way it is now... [Spend time with people you admire. Do I admire him? Not sure. Admire the writer of the book, that is certain!! grin]