Playing with Sticks
As these things happen, it escalated. G discovered the next day, that her pole bean seeds were vintage 05, so she went on a seed quest. "Everybody is out," she reported later, as she was sailing (without me) to Osuna Nursery. I told friends that like any true addict, she had her slender excuses--rushing off for another hit of plant crack. (Did I say, without me?!) And of course we didn't have enough cane poles for the other two or three stations we both had started visualizing. So that will doubtless become a quest in itself. But back to the afternoon at the nursery unsupervised. G was the paragon of self-control. She returned with a fist full of seeds: more lettuce, 2 kinds of bush beans and 2 packs of locally packaged Kentucky Wonders. And a couple of things in pots. Will have to get back to you on those... it was late when I got home and got the report.