the days are getting shorter and shorter...

Festival of the Cranes at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
(Saturday) November 22nd, 2008
Gloria drove us down to Socorro on Saturday for the day. We read about them on the way down... Sandhill Cranes - from the Cornell Birds of North America. See my Notes? -- Cranes, over-studied? Growing grains. Snow geese. The bumper tractor. Rattlesnakes up by the visitor's center. Some of the craftspeople at the event were people I might really like. (Where are they? What are they doing?) Heard the last bit of Carolyn's talk on the early ornithologists of SW. Came away with some great coloring books: Project Wild.
Different government bodies ? (Tickled bits of Aldus Leopold... that biography that irked me, so I put it down).