First Week of June

Recently, our boss made us take a group photo for something. We were forced to arrange ourselves to be the number 15. (Then inside, we decided to do two shots to depict X and V ... grin). Anyway -- these are the people I work with at New Media and Extended Learning / University of New Mexico.

The last few days I've been walking out under the eaves of that nearby building to check on my friends the Barn Swallows. Oh my they are SOOOO cute!
During lunch I made a little collage. I have this long-standing love affair with the kiosks around campus... especially at the end of the semester when someone rips everything down and there are just enticing bits of faded Astrobrite with miscellaneous staple holes. I nibbled off a thick fist full the other day. So I spread them all out today & pasted some of them down.